Monday, January 21, 2008

Top Ten Reason To Join Freecycle

Top Ten Reasons to Join Freecycle™
by Jan H.

1. When you have extra stuff that you want to give away, Freecycle™ is the group to join. This non-profit group is set up so people can give away things they don’t need or want to other people in their own area. It’s a free cycle of giving which keeps items large and small out of landfills (aka the dump).

2. The Freecycle Network keeps the clutter minimized in your kitchen, closets, basement, and garage. Someone might be able to use that box of jars, that duplicate kettle, that unused camera, that tired accordion, those dusty tools, that old television. Even if it’s in bad condition, someone in your area might be able to fix it up and use it.

3. The network started with a single email in Arizona, USA, in 2003. Since then, The Freecycle Network has expanded to reach some 75 countries around the world. There are over 10,000 volunteers who monitor the content of the online postings. Every day people offer to give away stuff for free.

4. Nothing illegal and no animals are permitted, and other guidelines are followed.

5. Members’ contact information is exchanged only between those who agree to give or receive the item posted. Some members have a user name that keeps their identity private. Others are more trusting and use their full name. The choice is yours.

6. It is possible to requests things. Why buy something new when that something used is available for free and it will do just fine? Some groups don't allow requests, other groups have a limit on requests. For example, my group allows only one "wanted" posting per member per week. This ensures that the group always offers more than it takes and keeps a positive flow of generosity.

7. The Freecycle groups are flourishing. Over 6,000,000 people are already members worldwide.

8. When you sign up, you can choose to receive the daily digest. That’s one email per day, listing items offered, taken, wanted, received. This is the streamlined option. Or you can elect to receive notices at any time, as they are posted. That’s a lot of emails everyday. (I prefer the daily digest.)

9. What you think is garbage might actually have a use. One member told me she was going to put five incomplete decks of cards in the trash, when she thought again. The cards were gratefully accepted by a family who homeschool their children and had craft projects in mind.

10. Change the world one gift at a time. Generosity is fun. And gratitude feels great!

To learn more or to join

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